On the legacy per vindicationem and the introduction of donation mortis causa into the legal system

Both the legacy per vindicationem and the donation mortis causa provide the heir with the possibility of disposing, on the occasion of death, certain objects with the eff ect in rem. In the work, I am substantiating the allegation that a deed of donation on the occasion of death, despite introducing into the Polish legal system the legacy per vindicationem, still proves to be a useful act that may play an important role in practice. I am doing this by means of juxtaposing the two institutions. The following issues were discussed: the responsibility of benefi ciaries on the occasion of death and legatees of the legacy per vindicationem for legacy debts and legitim, the documentation of subrogation and the problem of the appropriate use of article 961 of the Civil Code.

Pobierz plik (6-7-2011 Mleko.pdf)6-7-2011 Mleko.pdf544 kB

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